2008年2月24日 星期日

陳冠希-兄弟芝嬌 客串:陳漢典

A parody video is made to burlesque Edison chen's sex scandal, immediately following Edison's apology conference, today. Though he seemly tried to defend for the victims and embraced all harsh lashes coming from the media and people from all over the world, he didn't seem to be really regreful in today's press conference. He used a meticulous dodge line in his statement that he will step away from the H.K entertainment industry "indefinitely," with no time frame. By saying that, he saves himself a room for making a comback in the future because he never said he is gonna leave forever. However, most of us think he has a good chance becoming a male porn star in Japan, thriving in companies such as SOD,Premium,or Tokyo Hot, in which he might make millions out of his spin-off porn videos. Don't Come Back!



2008年2月23日 星期六

2008年2月3日 星期日



九姑娘和梁無雙兩位全世界最專業的周星馳影迷,帶著一位模特兒小Call,遠赴香港、 長征寧波上海,踏上寧夏銀川,尋找《長江七號》、《食神》、《功夫》、《少林足球》. .....等二十餘部電影的拍攝場景。
